Tuesday 16 September 2014


Zoom DIY: Top 10 Makeup Tips Revealed

Top 10 Makeup Tips Revealed

Before You Start

  • Allow Yourself Enough Time
There's nothing that sets up a makeup disaster better than being in a rush and not really knowing what you are doing. Applying makeup is a skill, and as with any skills, it takes some practice to learn to do it well and quickly. You never know when something is going to go wrong, and when makeup goes wrong it might be something simple or something that requires starting over entirely. If you are going to try something new with makeup, or use a new product that is really different than whatever you've used before, do a makeup practice run ahead of time.
  • Start With a Clean Face
Makeup goes on best over clean skin. Washing your face about a half hour before you are going to start putting on makeup is recommended as then your skin can relax after the washing. This will not only let your skin tone return to its normal shades and tones (hot or warm water will change the appearance) but it allows the pores to close back down, which keeps makeup out of them. Don't do really harsh scrubs, as these can really open up the skin surface and allow the oils and chemicals of makeup to get into the pores, which leads to breakouts later.
  • Know What You Are Doing With Your Hair Before You Start Your Makeup
If you have to do hair styling as well as your makeup, know what you are going to do with it before you do any makeup. Be sure that anything you might do to your hair as far as washing or wetting it is done prior to doing makeup, as one wrong splash could ruin it. Some hairdos require curlers or putting the hair up in some way, and if all you'd need to do is take the hair down and quick style it, then you'll want to do that prior to your makeup. Also, make sure you have a way of keeping your hair out of your face while you do your makeup.

Natural Looking Makeup

  •  How To Get The Best Points On Eye And Lip Liners
Keeping your eye and lip liners in the refrigerator will harden the makeup, and makes it easy to get a super point when sharpening, which is a classic makeup artist trick. However, cold makeup drags and catches when you go to apply it, so they need to be room temperature for actual use. If you are doing fancy makeup in the evening, put those liners on a shelf in the fridge the night before or morning of the big event. Sharpen them before you go to wash your face, and then let them sit out and they will have warmed up appropriately by the time you go to use them.
  • Have A Well-Lit Place To Apply Your Makeup
Even though you may wind up in a dimly-lit restaurant or club, have a well-lit location to do your makeup. When I was in high school, my mom kept all her makeup in the bathroom, but would bring it out in a little basket to the kitchen to makeup her eyes, as there was a mirror on the wall there that had much better light. Being able to see what you are doing makes for a cleaner and more even application. You don't want to look like a painted clown if you make yourself up in dim light and then find yourself standing someplace bright. Put the makeup on in good light, and then check it in more dim light to see the effect if you know you are going to be out someplace darker. If you need to make the look more bold, you can always add more easily. Removing too much makeup is much more difficult.

Makeup Basics

  • Skin Tone and Foundation
"Foundation" is the name given to the base layer of makeup that goes on to even out skin tone. Done well, it's literally invisible and done poorly it can looked streaked, caked on, flaking off or like some sort of clown makeup. This is one of the hardest things to do well in applying makeup and is worth taking the time to find a tone that matches your skin, and then practicing putting it on. I recommend foam, triangle sponges or your fingers. Remember, just like the old advertising slogan, "a little dab'll do ya." Don't forget to blend it down onto your neck and out to the ears if you want to avoid the clown face look.
  • Blush
Here's another area where a little is better than a lot. Blush is most often a powdered makeup that most people think is for adding color to cheeks, but really it's about shadowing and contouring the cheekbones and sides of the face. Again, practice makes perfect. Done badly, blush comes off looking like some sort of warpaint accident or an 80s New Wave flashback.

It's in the Details

  •  The Eyes Have It
I think the biggest thing that people mess up when it comes to applying eye makeup is to overdo it. My mom jokes about eye shadow 'garage doors' that you see on some ladies. You know the look: they blink and it's like a brightly-colored garage door slammed down and then up again. The other eye makeup mistake that's often seen is too much or too heavy an application of eyeliner. Lining all the way around the top and bottom lash line of the eye shrinks it down. Skip the bottom all together for daytime looks, or only put eyeliner on the outer one-third of the lower lash line. And blend and soften your eyeliner with a fingertip. Save those really dark and bold eye lines for nighttime.
  •  Lovely Lips
The best lipstick can be like foundation: people don't really notice that you are actually wearing any. Picking a lipstick shade that is like your own lip color but a bit darker can offer a very realistic and subtle effect. Beware of bright pinks and oranges, they can look tacky all too easily. Beware super shiny gloss finishes as they can draw undue attention to the lips. Much like other bold effects, save this for low-light situations or holiday parties.
  •  Less Is More
Applying just a little makeup is usually a better choice than applying a lot. Running short on time? Just powder your face, line your eyes, brush on a touch of shadow, apply lipstick and go. You can use the exact same makeup for daytime work and a night out dancing, just by applying it lightly for day, and then doing a quick but bold touch-up in just minutes.


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Contact: thouheetha@gmail.com
Copyright © 2013 Zoom DIY

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